In my work as a manifestation life coach in Toronto and online, I’ve learned many things.
But one of the big ones is the truth that manifestation is happening constantly.
You’re manifesting right now, whether or not you know it.
And although what the life of your dreams actually looks like is different than anybody else’s, we do all want to live our dream lives.
But in your practice of manifesting your dream life – along with your vision boards, mindfulness, gratitude, affirmations, meditation, journaling, and more – is all that actually helping?
Or is it possible that you’re actually repelling the life of your dreams?
To understand how this could be possible, we need to understand more about the law of attraction in the first place.
How The Law Of Attraction Works
The law of attraction is both simple and complex.
That is, it’s complex enough that many, many books have been written about it.
And yet, it’s simple enough that I can sum it up in a single sentence:
The law of attraction simply means that you energetically attract whatever you are a vibrational match to.
So, what does that mean?
Consider the dating world.
In my work as a dating and relationship life coach in Toronto, I’ve worked with people who want to manifest the relationship of their dreams.
They’re tired of making the same mistakes in relationships, and they want to heal from old wounds and manifest something greater.
Maybe you can relate.
But part of healing from old wounds is letting those wounds go.
To learn how to forgive both your previous partners and yourself for whatever happened.
To learn from your past relationships, yes, but also to commit to changing the habits you may have established in them and truly move forward.
Because if you don’t, what happens?
You end up focusing on what went wrong, which will manifest more of what went wrong.
You’ll focus on what you what you felt you lacked in your previous relationships, which will manifest more of what you lacked.
And that’s the energy you’ll carry with you, and manifest, into your next relationship.
Likewise, in my work as a coach for manifesting wealth and abundance, I meet people who want more out of life – whatever that happens to look like.
Maybe it’s more material abundance, or maybe it’s an abundance of love, joy, peace, enlightenment, and other high vibrational emotions.
But if you want to manifest abundance, a big part of that is to start focusing on gratitude, creativity, opportunity, and the limitless potential of the universe.
Because when you focus on what you feel is lacking in your life, that’s what you manifest.
What you focus on, grows.
So if you’re working to manifest the life of your dreams, but it seems ever further away, consider what the primary focus of your mind is.
Here are a few of the habits we can get into that end up repelling the life we want to manifest.
1. Focusing On Your Mistakes
We all make mistakes.
And when we do, it’s important to acknowledge them.
But when we acknowledge our mistakes, it’s important to do so in a way that doesn’t position them as a fundamental part of our personality.
You’re always going to make mistakes – even if you’re living the life of your dreams.
It’s impossible not to – we’re only human, after all.
But when you focus on your mistakes, it can drag you down a spiral of catastrophizing, which reinforces the focus on said mistakes.
Put simply, there’s a big difference between “I screwed up” and “I’m a screw up”.
It can help to create affirmations that remind you that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that you’ve had your share of successes as well.
If you like, you can use the following:
- My past mistakes do not define me
- I am talented, experienced, and capable
- I love and accept myself unconditionally
- I forgive myself for my past mistakes
- I am constantly evolving and improving
2. Desperation
What is desperation?
According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, it’s got two meanings:
- Loss of hope and surrender to despair
- A state of hopelessness leading to rashness
Neither of those sound like a great place to start for manifesting your dream life, do they?
A mindset of desperation is essentially a mindset of scarcity, and it shows in how you end up behaving.
We talked about this in a previous article, but I’ll touch on it briefly here.
Essentially, living in a mindset of scarcity and desperation can cause you to make decisions that make your situation worse than it already is.
It makes you worse at solving problems, thinking creatively, and remain focused on the tasks at hand.
For more details on that, read The Difference Between Scarcity Mindset And Abundance Mindset.
So, what does all this have to do with manifestation?
The more you focus on scarcity and desperation, the more you attract scarcity and desperation.
Instead, breaking free of scarcity and living in abundance takes a conscious decision to recognize and reframe your thoughts around it.
If you’re hoping to manifest a healthier lifestyle, for example, you might find yourself feeling a lack of health in your life, especially if you’ve recently gotten a frightening diagnosis.
This can make you feel afraid, which can cause you to focus on the problem – your perceived lack of health – which of course will manifest more of the same, leading to an ever more desperate mindset.
Does that mean a diagnosis is a bad thing? Of course not.
It’s important to understand your current state of health and potential issues that may stand in the way of your being able to manifest the healthy lifestyle of your dreams.
But you don’t have to let your diagnosis define you – you can embrace greater abundance in your health regardless of what diagnosis you’ve received.
Consider these affirmations for greater health:
- I am grateful for my body
- I deserve to be healthy
- My body takes care of me, and I take care of my body
- I am ready to do everything I need to be healthy
- My diagnosis does not define me
- I am open to thriving
- Every day, I become healthier
RELATED: How Can Mindfulness Help You Manifest A Healthier Life?
Connect With Evelina To Book Your Appointment Today
These are two of the limiting factors that can disrupt your manifestation practice, but they’re not the only ones.
In your journey toward gratitude, abundance, healing, and growth, they can stand in your way.
But only if you let them.
The essence of nature is freedom itself, and for too long we’ve thought of ourselves as separate from nature.
We’re not – we’re one and the same.
We’re governed by the same laws of the universe as anything – gravity, electricity, magnetism, and yes, the law of attraction.
The law of attraction works just as well, and just as reliably.
But if you’re having trouble using the law of attraction to access the life of your dreams, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
It’s there waiting for you.
I can help you access it.
I’m Evelina Hovich, a Toronto manifestation life coach.
Book your appointment with me, Evelina Hovich, today, and let’s start co-creating,, together.